Friday, February 6, 2009

yo man fuck Kellogg's

word is they've cancelled phelps's contract. dropped him as sponsor. i haven't checked yet whether speedo plans to dump him. fuck knows any dude likely to buy a banana hammock would prefer to buy one from a ripped young dude who smokes weed. gay dudes fucken love to party. and we have to ask the geniuses in Battle Creek, home to Kellogg's HQ: who eats cereal more than the stoner demographic? pound for pound, motherfuckers out-consume their square counterparts by a factor of seventeen. so it's not like marketers need any more evidence that drugs are awesome for business.

and yet here (below) we have brand-new evidence, thoughtfully delivered by God hisself in mankind's dark hour of drug-hostile posturing, that proves beyond question the positive influence of drugs in our world and on our children. this fresh footage raises questions like, If drugs are so awful, why's this video only like the most awesomest and popular thing on the internet besides my blog? is this video watching itself? yeah, didn't think you'd have a snappy answer, Mr. Kellogg's. keep shutting up your dumb face.

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