Monday, November 5, 2007

oh crap

America's Leading Blog™ has to apologize to The Loyal, as it's been, like, 17 minutes since America's Leading Blog™ posted something. file the error under 'aberrations,' and doubt not that quality standards have slipped. you can continue to expect the top-shelf gold you've come to get drunk on. it's not for no reason that America's Leading Blog™ is called America's Leading Blog™. and America's Leading Blog™ doesn't intend to call itself America's Second-Most Leading Blog™ or America's Formerly Leading Blog, Now On-The-Wane™ or America's Gay-Ass Blog™ any time soon. and you can put that in the bank. use it as a down payment on that sweet-ass mansion you've had your eye on. America's Leading Blog™ don't give a fuck, holmes.

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